Wednesday 4 March 2009

Keindahan Kolam Renang Alami di Turki

Keindahan alam di Turkey ini patut kita lihat. Kolam renang yang alami bersaf-saf seperti are sawah terasering di Indonesia memang sangat mengagumkan. Gambar berikut memperlihatkan betapa hebat karya Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.

Pamukkale is an extraordinary natural wonder. The mineral-rich waters rise from the ground at a temperature of 35°C and tumble down the mountain from a height of 100 metres, forming a myriad of pools. Cream colored stalactites are formed as the water overflows the pools, creating a breathtaking sight unequalled in the world. Water is the sole instrument in the creation of this gleaming fairy castle that resembles cotton (hence the name . There are an abundance of in this wonderland which are recommended for the treatment of heart disease, circulatory problems, high blood pressure, nervous disorders, rheumatism, eye and skin diseases, nervous and physical exhaustion, and digestive maladies.

sumber :

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