Friday 10 December 2010

Apparently drinking tea and coffee could prevent diabetes

Good news for fans of tea and coffee turned out to ya ... .. consumption of tea or coffee could prevent diabetes. Want to know more .. why tea or coffee could prevent diabetes ...? Consider the following article:

Regular Consumption of Tea and Coffee Avoided Diabetes

You're a fan of coffee and tea? If yes, you can breathe easily because you turned out to have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, the diabetes is not dependent on insulin and the type of diabetes is more common.

However, one thing must be understood, the efficacy of coffee and tea to protect the body does not come from caffeine contained in them. Evidently because of the non-caffeine coffee (decaf) have the best effect to ward off diabetes.

This statement is published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a bi-monthly medical journal published by the American Medical Association, told the BBC.

Based on the conclusion on 18 outcome studies involving 500 thousand people. The results showed that people who drink tea 3-4 cups of coffee or tea per day lowered the risk of diabetes, 20% or more. Even if the drink is non-caffeine coffee, then the effect will be better ie more than 30%.

People with type two diabetes usually begins to feel a complaint at the age of 40 and more so when the body does not produce the insulin the body needs precisely.

Usually two types of diabetes is treated with a healthy diet and increasing physical activity. The drugs and insulin injections are sometimes also needed to address complaints diabetics.

The researchers believe the discovery of coffee and tea mengantung active substance ward off diabetes will open a new path in the basic steps to ward off diabetes mellitus.

Moreover, if further research confirms this, then your doctor may recommend that patients drink coffee or tea as he advised his patients to exercise regularly and maintain their weight.

The combination of data and analysis, the researchers showed each additional cup of coffee consumption with diabetes risk cut by 7%.

Principal Scientist at the University of Sydney, Australia, Rachel Huxley emphasized because research shows non-caffeine coffee is better, then the substance that prevents diabetes is not clear the caffeine.

Other components in coffee and tea, among them magnesium and antioxidants, chlorogenic material which is known to slow release of glucose into the bloodstream is suspected as the active ingredient that keeps a person from diabetes.

"Identification of the active component of these beverages will open a new way in the prevention of diabetes mellitus. Implication, the handling of persons who have a risk of diabetes mellitus to be very different," said Dr Huxley.

However, Dr Victoria King, diabetes experts from the UK argues that research results should be viewed cautiously. The problem, though people who drink tea and coffee are relatively lower risk of diabetes, should be seen also physical activity and diet that made people studied.

"What is clear is diabetes mellitus is very closely related to one's lifestyle. Eating a healthy diet, high in fiber, vmenghindari saturated fats and excessive sweet foods remains a major step to avoid yourself from diabetes," said King


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