Friday 10 December 2010

These tips How to manage your finances in a simple

The following tips I got from a website that is very good. Habits of us is hard to control myself to keep spending despite the fact that our income just barely. So if we really care about our financial situation ... surely we will be shocked when knowing that our expenditure is far greater than income. No matter what amount of income you ... if you can not finance good governance and discipline ... then you will fail. Further consider the following article:

The first rule if you want to succeed in finance is to spend less money than the income earned. If you can not do that, you will never succeed in finance. No matter how hard your efforts, no matter how much time do you spend on work, no matter how many opportunities you received, or no matter how much money you earn work ... .. you will fail in your financial mengeola!

This is a simple rule, and most people accept it as a sensible rule. But in reality many people have no savings and a lot of debt, it means that this sensible rule is not obeyed.

Here are 10 reasons that make someone do excessive spending, and this might also happen to me and you.

1. Maintaining the status in the eyes of others

Psychological factors play a big role in our shopping habits. We want to feel successful or more successful than the people around us. We spend a lot of money to keep that image in their eyes. Yet in reality these people could not buy as purchased by us in an all-out.

2. Avoiding reality

It is easy to spend money unnecessarily if we forget our accounts receivable. Most people are unaware of the real situation of their finances because they are frightened to notice the chaos is actually happening. And it becomes easier for a while to avoid it. They will pay a minimum payment of credit card and then add another use or open a new loan and then ignore the overall amount of debt that continues to grow.

3. Counting the money will definitely not be accepted

Many of us spend the spare money or borrow some money and hope to get another instead. For example, there are rumors regarding year-end bonus that has not been the truth, or THR with a certain amount. We are often too optimistic about the money that will come next. The money was spent before received, and finally - and this often happens - there are not as much has been spent.

4. Plastic money is not the same taste with real money

In general we will be spending in the current excessive use of credit cards than with cash. When we use a credit card and then handed the card back by the cashier to us after use, not the same as it was when we spend some cash and find money in our wallets has been reduced. Credit cards remain intact unless the credit limit is fulfilled, while the cash could disappear.

5. Satisfaction soon

All this is about the fundamental nature of us. We have been bombarded by a mentality that wants satisfied immediately. Such as "pain relief medicine quickly", "fast food", or any advertising message "buy now, pay later". If we still behave like that mentally, we will continue to be used by manufacturers because we always want what we want now, without wanting to know how we'll pay for it.

6. Increased Lifestyle

Many people have increased the cost of living as their incomes increase. But never the same thing happen when a decline in revenue. If we are accustomed to a certain lifestyle, it is very difficult to lower it, even if our financial situation deteriorated.

7. Weak like children

Perhaps there is childishness of us who can never hold money in a long time because it can not stand the temptation and always wanted to immediately spend it, or lack of financial understanding to be a reason we spend money unnecessarily.

8. Feelings of power

Spending money often makes people feel strong and powerful. The more they buy, the more strong and powerful taste, and the only way to have this back a sense of power it is to spend more money again.

9. Proving self-esteem

Someone who buys a new car many people's dream, for instance, will find it has proved that he had become a successful person. Because for some people what was bought to be the size of their appreciation of others.

10. Can not say no

Some people feel like a failure when they could not meet the desires of others. For example, expensive new toys is highly desirable that children, new home appliances which are very desirable wife, or an outing out with old friends. Some people have difficulty saying no, even when they can not meet even once.


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